Felmore Virtual Tour - Welcome


Thank you for showing an interest in our fabulous school.  

We are incredibly proud of Felmore Primary School and would love to welcome you personally for a guided tour.  However we know that isn't always possible.  Knowing, also, how important it is to have lots of information and reassurances when you choose a primary school, we have put together a virtual tour (please see below).  The tour will enable you to explore much of our school and hear a welcome message.

As educationalists, we appreciate that a virtual tour may not give you all of the information that you require.  Therefore, we would be delighted to speak to you in person to answer any queries that you may have and to reassure you.  Please contact the school on 01268 729885 or email admin@felmore-pri.essex.sch.uk and ask to speak to Mrs Hunt or any member of our senior staff.  

We look forward to being able to welcome you to Felmore Primary School.

To explore our site, click here, and then click on the dots.  As you enter each part of the building, enjoy the 360 degree photography.