End of Year Expectations





As you may be aware we have been working with a changed curriculum since September 2014.  All year groups including Year 2 and 6 are tested under the new framework.  The level at which the children are expected to work by the end of each year has significantly increased in all areas of the curriculum.  We have devised a set of booklets to help families with the expectations the children are required to reach by the end of that year. The Government have also made it very clear that all the objectives have to be met in all areas to assess a child is working at age related expectations.


Please see the appropriate year group booklets using the red buttons on the left hand side.

Baseline and Good Level of Development - EYFS (Year R)

 Children entering Reception complete statutory baseline assessment within the first six weeks of school. This is used to measure progress throughout their time in primary school. At the end of Reception children are assessed against Early Learning Goals that determine whether they are meeting age related expectations and achieving a 'Good Level of Development' (GLD)

Phonics Screening - Year 1

In Year 1 the children will sit a phonics screening test in June, this will assess whether a child has a secure knowledge of phonics and reading.  The test involves reading a series of 40 words.  The results are sent to the Government, and a pass mark is then established along with a National Average.  The results of the phonics test have to be reported to families in the child’s end of year report.  Any child not passing the test will have to resit the test in Year 2.  

Click here for past phonics tests to look at with your child.



Multiplication Check - Year 4

In Year 4 the children have to sit a multiplication test in June.  This consists of 25 multiplication questions which are answered on a screen.  The children have 6 seconds in which to answer the question before it moves on to the next.  The test is carried out in June and the results are given to the school shortly after the test window has passed.

Click here for guidance on the multiplication test


Year 6 SATs

In Year 6 the children sit their SATs tests (in reading, SPaG and maths) in May. These tests are carried out in ‘exam’ conditions and sent off to be externally marked and results come into school in early July. The results of these tests are then reported to families in the end of year report.  We also have to submit teacher assessments in writing to the Local Authority; these assessments will hopefully closely match the child’s SATs results.

Click here for past Key Stage Two tests to look at with your child.

At any time, representatives from the Local Authority can come to school to ensure that the tests are administered in the correct way.